Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Elevator Videos

I have been filming elevators since February 2009, and I currently have hundreds of elevator videos uploaded to YouTube.  When I first filmed elevators, I mainly filmed around the UNM main campus, but I did do some elevator filming in Santa Fe and Los Alamos, my hometown.  However, starting in late 2009, I began filming around the city of Albuquerque, most notably in March 2010 and March 2011 when I was able to film around downtown Albuquerque, with some of the fastest and most elegant elevators in the city and the state.  The first time I filmed elevators outside New Mexico was in May 2011 when my family and I were in Boston and Vermont.  Then in 2014, I drove to El Paso, Texas to film elevators, mostly around the UTEP campus; in July, I met up with user elevatordude3308 in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex and filmed a lot of elevators there.

My main favorite elevator brands are Dover and ThyssenKrupp and my favorite elevator type is geared traction.

Road Trips

Here are my road trip videos. After watching road trip videos from YouTube user dieselducy, I decided to do road trip videos and upload them to my channel. However, since my 1st road trip video was over 15 minutes, I had to divide it into two parts before uploading. But here's my full road trip video from Albuquerque to Los Alamos, recorded December 17, 2011 when I was going home for Christmas break.

And here's the return trip on January 14, 2012

About Me

My name is Matt, and I am currently an undergraduate student at UNM, studying music.  My interests are music, baseball, football, basketball, fire alarms, and elevators.  I am New Mexico's first elevator photographer, and I have been filming elevators and uploading them to YouTube since February 2009; my YouTube username is cubsrule2040.

Not only my elevator videos from YouTube are embedded on this blog, I have some road trip videos too.

Elevator photography, as we all know, was pioneered by YouTube user dieselducy, who has been filming elevators since 1993.  In 2006/2007, he shared his hobby with the world on YouTube, and since then, more people interested in elevators have been joining the YouTube elevator community.  I became inspired to go out and film elevators after a friend of mine showed me an elevator video on YouTube in August 2008, and especially after I came across elevator videos from users dieselducy, musicfreakcc, gluse, and CaptainElevator42189.